Hello fellow student!
If you happened upon my poster at our school and found it interesting, THANK YOU FOR VISITING!
Current Positions Available Include:
Voice Actors (both male and female, all ages)
Assistant Background designer
Assistant Director
Audio Editor
Character Designer
Script Editor
Final Cut! Editor
Special Effects Manager
If you are interested in Voice Acting, E-mail whitesunwolf@hotmail.com with Your name, your major, and the words 'Voice Acting' as the subject.
If you are interested in Character Design, E-mail whitesunwolf@hotmail.com with Your name, your major, and the words 'Character Design' as the subject.
If you are interested in Backgrounds, E-mail whitesunwolf@hotmail.com with Your name, your major, and the words 'Background Design' as the subject.
If you are interested in Composing music or editing music for the screenplay, E-mail whitesunwolf@hotmail.com with Your name, your major, and the words 'Music' as the subject.
If you are interested in editing the script, assisting with the movie's screenplay, other editing job, or any other role on the SW team, please E-mail whitesunwolf@hotmail.com with Your name, your major, and the words 'Other' as the subject.
Thank you for your interest <3
I will be hosting a chat room on this page soon so that you may post your comments and discuss it with other students. If you would like to find us FaceBook please provide it in your E-mail. If you would like to find us on Twitter, please provide it in your E-mail.
If you are NOT a Student of Trocaire College and are interested in any of the Positions Described above, please visit the 'Help SW!' page and read the instructions provided.
Note: Our FaceBook account is updated daily. Our Twitter account is updated rarely. (I personally hate Twitter). Please check back for information and the latest updates.